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Mother's Day

My Mom is 86 years young and in a fabulous health overall. Except for the last several weeks, when her leg gave us so much pain that she could not walk for weeks. These were very different weeks, where both of us learned a lot about ourselves and each other. I am not necessarily a nursing type and frankly, the thought of having to care for elderly have been worrisome to me.

Well, worry no more - now, we both know what happens. In plain language - you do what you can do. You keep caring, you keep understanding, you give it all, like she did when we were younger. None of this was perfect, none of this was glamorous but I learn aspects of myself that I did not know I had, just like in the motherhood. Like after the whole life of being drug and medicine free - cornering doctor for Extra-strength drugs because Mom is passing out from pain. Or since we live in Washington state - sending reluctant husband to get some laced cookies, which worked better than I ever imagined.

Changing actions, changing priorities and changing the thoughts. Listening to stories I did not want to hear - about the pain, about the war-torn childhood, of surviving on potato peels and being shot for speaking the language. There was nowhere I could go so I listened. I have heard the stories before but the context changed that meaning. I survived that, and am stronger for it.

Mom is much better now and I am grateful that I am able to be close by and I have this opportunity to see the world through her eyes. I can grow through my fears and have a chance to make our relationship deeper.
We are truly a sum of who we connect with. Mother's give us that as a gift.

All women have a hand in creating the future and creating connections. I hope you have the most beautiful Mother's Day! Take a break and a breath, you are important.

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