I have to go home! But I literally could not. Something was not letting me go away from that tree. What is it?
So I decided to take a few more minutes to pull a few weeds from under it. A native totem is resting at the base of that tree making it even more special for us. Everything about that tree is so dear.
I see the stress levels mounting around me. Scanning morning paper does not improve the optimism.
In the middle of the night, with my mind full of problems and worries, it saves me to give thanks for the true values in my life. For our sons growing up wonderfully. For my family, simply that they are alive. For my bed and roof. For my breath. I am thankful for the people around me who help me learn and see more. So many people are selflessly friendly, nice, good-natured people. Thank you for showing that heart to us.
I am thankful to You for being our customers.